Student Accounts Student Accounts

Student Accounts


The Student Accounts Office can help you with payment of tuition, payment plans, refunds, past due accounts/collections, billing of tuition and fees and 1098- T reporting. FCC provides students with flexible options for paying their college tuition. Please take note of important payment deadlines which can be found in the front of each class schedule. If you still have questions, please contact us at 301.846.2456 or [email protected].


More payment plan options! Sign up early to take advantage of more affordable options.



Reminder: Download the Navigate App to keep up to date with important reminders related to your account. Learn More.

Academic Tuition & Fee Rates

To see the most recent tuition & fees, visit

Academic Payment Due Dates


Students who have not paid will be dropped from current class(es) on DROP ZONE dates.


  1. Students must pay in FULL (Partial payment will NOT save your seat!)
  2. Sign up for the payment plan in PeopleSoft.
  3. Students receiving financial aid must have enough anticipated financial aid posted to their PeopleSoft account.
    • Students who are dropped from classes will be required to re-register. If originally selected courses are no longer available, students will need to select different classes.
    • If the college is closed due to inclement weather on a payment due date, drops for non-payment will occur at 4:30pm the next day the college reopens.


Academic Payment Due Dates:

Summer CLASSES START May 29, 2025
If you register for classes between: Payment due by:
April 11 – May 22 May 22, 4:30pm
After May 22 Day prior to the session start date.

Fall CLASSES START August 23, 2025
If you register for classes between: Payment due by:
April 11 – August 7 August 7, 6:00pm
August 8 – August 21 August 21, 6:00pm
After August 21st Day prior to session start date.

Students will be notified of any dropped classes for non-payment via an email to their “myfcc” email account, where students will receive an updated PDF copy of their revised class schedule.

For additional information, contact Student Accounts at 301.846.2456 or email questions to [email protected].

Academic Tuition Payment Plan

Payment Plan


Learn about and sign up for our interest free payment plan. FCC offers a payment plan for our academic students for fall, spring and summer terms. To learn more and sign up, click the payment plan link below. Student Accounts receives immediate notification of your enrollment which secures your seat in the class!


Payment Plan


Where’s My Invoice?


Invoices for tuition and fees are sent automatically to your myFCC email account each time you make an adjustment to your schedule. We do NOT send invoices by mail. Once logged in to your myFCC email, students can view a pdf copy of the latest invoice, with information on current balance due, any payments received, awarded “anticipated” financial aid and current class schedule.

Pay Tuition in Full Options

PAY ONLINE: Log in to your FCC PeopleSoft account to pay in full online. Click on Student Center. Under Finances, select make a payment. All major credit cards are accepted (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express).

PAY IN PERSON: To pay in person, visit Student Accounts located in the Enrollment Center, Jefferson Hall (J-112). All major credit cards are accepted as well as check and cash payments. Please call 301.846.2456 to pay over the phone, or email [email protected] for assistance if mailing is not an option.


Where’s My Invoice?

Invoices for tuition and fees are sent automatically to your myFCC email account each time you make an adjustment to your schedule. We do NOT send invoices by mail. Once logged in to your myFCC email, students can view a pdf copy of the latest invoice, with information on current balance due, any payments received, awarded “anticipated” financial aid and current class schedule.

Refund Policy

Academic Refunds

Academic refunds are usually processed after the second week of the term start date.  In order to be eligible for a refund of tuition and fees, students must drop or withdraw from courses by the specified refund deadline.  Each session within a semester offers students an opportunity to drop at 100% or 50%.  See the current course schedule for specific refund dates by session. Students that withdraw from classes after the refund period receive no reduced rate and are responsible for all tuition and fees until paid in full. Please note: FCC no longer partners with Bank Mobile to process our refunds.

Forms of Payment

Paid by credit card –  Refunds will be credited back to the card originally charged.

ACH/Cash/Check –  Refunds will be processed as a check mailed directly to the student from FCC. Please make sure your address on file at FCC is accurate. Address changes can be requested here

Financial Aid recipient – A check refund will be issued by FCC and mailed through the postal service to the address on file after attendance is verified. If you have recently moved, address changes can be requested here. We recommend consulting the Financial Aid Office regarding any rules and regulations that may impact your award prior to dropping any classes. This is important as it may affect your financial aid package and cause you to owe money back to the college.

Official Agreements – Agreements established between a business, government or military entity will result in a check refund issued directly to the third party.

FCC no longer partners with Bank Mobile to process our refunds.


Past Due Balances/Collections

Once hold has been placed on your account for an overdue balance, you may not be able to register for courses. Please contact Student Accounts at 301.846.2456 for more information. NOTE: Do NOT make a payment on your PeopleSoft account if your balance has been sent to a collections agency.

Collections - Accounts that are delinquent will be sent to an outside collection agency. Additional collection fees of 17% will apply. Contact 301.846.2456 or email [email protected] for detailed information.

Maryland Central Collection Unit: (MDCCU)
For payments: 1-866-272-1548
For questions regarding your account 1-301-393-2988

Collection Recovery Services

Tuition & Fees for Frederick County High School Students

Effective with the fall 2023 enrollment, a 1098-T tax document is issued only to Open Campus students that pay any portion of their own tuition and fees. Those costs paid directly by FCPS are not included. The College encourages students to seek advice from a qualified tax accountant when appropriate.

FCC Dual Enrollment

Frederick County Home School and Private School Students

Students that are Frederick County residents enrolled in a Home School or Private School program can qualify to pay reduced tuition. Approved students pay 75% of standard tuition and all applicable fees. Please complete the Reduced Tuition Form and return to the Student Finance Office. Once approved, the tuition will be adjusted. Be sure to check out payment "DropZone" due dates listed below for semester due dates. Please complete the Reduced Tuition Form.


Home School and Private School
 Open Campus Enrollment
July 2025 - June 2026  
Credits In-County Fees Total  
1 $102.00 $29.50 $131.50  
2 $204.00 $59.00 $263.00  
3 $306.00 $88.50 $394.50  
4 $408.00 $118.00 $526.00  
5 $510.00 $147.50 $657.50  
6 $612.00 $177.00 $789.00  
7 $714.00 $206.50 $920.50  
8 $816.00 $236.00 $1,052.00  
9 $918.00 $265.50 $1,183.50  
10 $1,020.00 $295.00 $1,315.00  
11 $1,122.00 $321.00 $1,443.00  
12 $1,224.00 $347.00 $1,571.00  
13 $1,326.00 $373.00 $1,699.00  
14 $1,428.00 $399.00 $1,827.00  
15 $1,530.00 $425.00 $1,955.00  
16 $1,632.00 $451.00 $2,083.00  
In-county Tuition per credit hour (75% of tuition rate $136.00)   $102.00
Consolidated Service Fee per credit hour   $26
Student Activity Fee, 10 credit max   $3.50


Student Account Forms

Appeal – Tuition 
For extenuating circumstances where the student withdraws after the normal refund period, the College may grant a partial refund of tuition and fees after the student submits an appeal to the Tuition Refund Committee (TRC).

Home School/Private School Students  
For current home school or Frederick County private school students taking a course at FCC.

In-County Tuition Rate Agreement
This agreement entitles employees of Frederick County businesses in some cases to benefit from in-county tuition.

Letter of Intent 
This agreement entitles employees of Frederick County businesses in some cases to benefit from in-county tuition.

Maryland Health Manpower Form
(Nursing, Respiratory Care, Medical Assistant)

Statewide Approved Programs
(Emergency Management & Police Science, Tactical Strength and Conditioning)

SSI/SSD Tuition Waiver Form
*Please submit either a current letter from the Social Security Administration that confirms your current social security benefits or a completed Certification for Tuition Waiver that is to be completed, signed, and stamped by the Social Security Administration. Either document can be emailed to [email protected]

Social Security Certification for Tuition Waiver

If an employer or agency is agreeing to pay for student class(es), please complete a Third-party CEWD Registration Form. All other CEWD students may visit to register and pay for CEWD classes.

Work in Frederick County?

Credit Classes: Out-of-county or out-of-state students employed by entities within Frederick County that offer an employee tuition reimbursement program may be eligible for in-county tuition, regardless of the student’s legal domicile. The student must provide verification of participation by the employer in the tuition reimbursement program and of current employment from the Human Resources Office of their employer. The employee may be asked to provide proof of current employment such as a paystub or staff ID card.

Please call Student Finance at 301-846-2456, option 2 for more information.

1098-T FAQ

Payment Posting: Payments received in Student Accounts prior to Winter Break will be posted in the current year. Payments received after the college is closed for Winter Break will be posted when the college reopens. Click the calendar for actual dates: Payments made online through the PeopleSoft Student Portal will be posted the same day the payment is made.


What is a Form 1098-T?

In general, colleges and universities must file Form 1098-T for any individual enrolled for any academic period and for whom the institution receives payment of qualified tuition and related expenses during the calendar year. Institutions also must file Forms 1098-T for students who are not currently enrolled but for whom there was a prior-year adjustment made in the current year.

However, Form 1098-T does not need to be filed for:

 • Students whose entire qualified tuition and related expenses were waived or paid for with a scholarship.
 • Students whose entire qualified tuition and related expenses were paid under a “formal billing arrangement” where the institution:
    ◦ bills only an employer or governmental entity, and
    ◦ does not maintain a separate financial account for the student.
 • Nonresident aliens, except upon request.
 • The noncredit courses in which a student is enrolled, even if the student also is enrolled in credit courses.

When is my 1098-T available?

Students can elect to receive an electronic Form 1098-T via the PeopleSoft Student Portal and it is generally available the third week of January. Otherwise, a paper copy will be mailed via the U.S. Postal Service no later than January 31st to the mailing address on record.

How do I view my 1098-T

 • Log on to your PeopleSoft account.

 • From your Student Center, under the Finances tab, click link to view 1098-T.

 • Choose the tax year that you wish to view.


 • Log on to your PeopleSoft account.

 • Click on Self Service on the left hand side menu.

 • Select  Campus Finances  in the middle of the page.

 • Select View 1098-T and choose the tax year that you wish to view.

What do I do with the 1098-T form?

The purpose of the 1098-T is to help you and/or your tax professional determine if you are eligible for the American Opportunity Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit. The 1098-T is just informational.

Why didn’t I receive a 1098-T form?

There are several possibilities:

 • You did not enroll in courses at FCC during the January 1st through December 31st calendar year.

 • You did not have any payments to report for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses.

 • Your paper copy of the Form 1098-T was mailed to the mailing address on record and returned by the Postal Service.

How can I get my invoice?

You can request an invoice by contacting Student Accounts by phone at 301.846.2456 or by [email protected]. Invoices can only be mailed to the student or sent to their myFCC email account.

What time period does my 1098-T cover?

Payments in Box 1 only reflect classes paid by the student during that calendar year. Reporting activity on a calendar year basis may create a timing difference on the student's 1098-T. This is most apparent during the payment for J-Term and Spring semester. This difference is caused by payment activity being posted in a different calendar year. For instance, if you register and pay for a Spring semester course in December of the previous year, then the payment will be reflected on the 1098-T from the calendar year in which you paid.

Can I get my 1098-T from a prior year?

Yes. All years which you qualified for a form will be accessible by you online when you opt in to receive the 1098-T through PeopleSoft Student Portal.

Who can claim an Education Credit?

You may be able to claim an education credit if you, your spouse, or a dependent you claim on your tax return was a student enrolled at or attending an eligible educational institution. If a student is claimed as a dependent on another’s tax return, only the person who claims the student as a dependent can claim a credit for the student’s qualified education expenses. The College encourages students to seek advice from a qualified tax accountant when appropriate.

The Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) on my Form 1098-T is missing or incorrect. What should I do?

Reporting to the Internal Revenue Service depends primarily on your SSN/ITIN. It is very important for you to have the correct information on file with the college. Follow these steps to have a corrected Form 1098-T generated:

1.Download and complete the Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (W-9S) Form.

2.Submit the completed form to the Registrar for processing.

3.Contact Student Accounts once updated for a revised Form 1098-T.

Additional Resources

 • IRS Publication & Forms:

 • Form 8863 Instructions for Education Credits:

 • Form 1040 Instructions:

 • IRS Information on American Opportunity Credit:

 • IRS Information at Lifetime Learning Credit:

 • Why Form 1098-T is important to you?:


Disclaimer: The items presented here are for general information only and do not constitute tax advice. The College does not endorse nor independently confirm the information presented in any other website referred to in this document. The College encourages users of this page to seek advice from a qualified tax accountant when appropriate.

Financial Awareness Resources

FCC's ”Be Financially Fit” program provides you with tools and resources necessary to make smart and effective decisions about your finances. Managing your personal finances can be challenging while also balancing college, work, and family obligations.

Our program will guide you in becoming financially literate and boost your confidence when it comes to making important financial decisions.

We provide the tools and resources to create a budget, manage your student loans and financial aid, and receive free credit score checks, insurance information, tax preparation, and much more.

Think you know enough to successfully manage your finances? Test your financial literacy to see how financially savvy you are.

Managing your financial aid
Budgets and spending
Credit and Debt
Tax preparation
Insurance 101
Other resources

Managing your Financial Aid

Affording college can be overwhelming at first. Having options can help make college more affordable. Use these links to help with your education.


Budgets and Spending

Are you surprised every time you open your monthly bill? Find out how much you’re really spending and ways to cut back.


Credit and Debt

Good credit is important. Want to buy a car? Own a house? Understand the different types of credit and how having good credit and good credit scores helps you plan your future.


Tax Preparation

Why do we pay taxes? Use these resources to help with tax preparation.


Insurance 101

Is insurance a foreign language to you? Let’s help you to understand!


Continuing Education & Workforce Development Payment

Thank you for your interest in taking continuing education classes at Frederick Community College. As payment is due in full at the time of registration, students are encouraged to review the payment options noted below.

Cash, Check and Money Orders
Pay by cash, check or money order by completing a Continuing Education registration form and visiting us in Jefferson Hall on the first floor.

Credit and Debit Cards
Register and pay by credit or debit card online at

Payment Plan
Some Continuing Education courses offer a payment plan option. This option will be noted in the individual course descriptions available online at Interested continuing education students may sign up for the payment plan online. This payment plan is for Continuing Education students only, academic students are asked to return to Payment Options.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Frederick Community College
Continuing Education and Workforce Development
7932 Opossumtown Pike
Frederick, MD 21701
Phone 301.624.2888
[email protected]

Contact Information

Enrollment Center-3rd Floor
Jefferson Hall (J302)
Phone: 301.846.2456
Fax: 301.846.2648
Email: [email protected]

Handles student tuition payments and helps students access payment plans

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday*: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

*Thursday hours: Open until 6:00 p.m. (January, July, August)