Opioid Addiction Resources Opioid Addiction Resources

Opioid Addiction Resources


Resources for Heroin & Opioid Addiction, Prevention, and Training


Recognizing that heroin and opioid-related deaths have increased substantially in recent years and is the leading cause of death in Maryland’s young adult population, Frederick Community College is committed to educating students about the dangers of heroin and opioid addiction. The College’s efforts support SB 1060 / HB 1082 – Heroin and Opioid Education and Community Action Act of 2017 passed by Governor Hogan to combat the rise of opioid abuse and drug-related deaths across the state of Maryland.


*Banner Image Statistic Source: Operation Prevention, Discovery Education, Discovery Communications, LLC.



Communities in Crisis


In 2020-2021, there were:

United State Map United State Map
80,000 +
opioid-related deaths in the United States


Source: National Institutes of Health

Maryland Map Maryland Map
opioid-related deaths in Maryland


Source: Maryland Department of Health

Frederick Map Frederick Map
opioid-related deaths in Frederick County


Source: Frederick News-Post

Fact or Misconception


Increased media coverage has led to many myths and misconceptions about opioid misuse and abuse. It's important to separate myths from truths.




Prescription opioids are safer than “street drugs” because physicians prescribe them all the time.


“Street drugs” and prescription opioids frequently have the exact same addictive properties and some Rx drugs can be even worse.


There is an "addiction" gene that controls who does and does not become addicted.


Genetic factors might make some people more sensitive to the effects of a drug. However, many factors determine the likelihood that someone may become addicted to a drug. This includes both inherited and environmental factors.


The use of pain medication will always lead to addiction.


In most cases, when taken according to prescription instructions, pain medication is safe. It is important to discuss the prescription thoroughly with a doctor. If a patient needs long-term pain relief, it might be better to look at other options than to risk opioid addiction.


Heroin is the opioid that kills the most people.


Prescription drug overdoses outnumber deaths by heroin and cocaine combined. This does not in any way lessen the danger of heroin — or other illegal drugs — but it does put into perspective the problems with prescription drug misuse.


Only certain people misuse or abuse drugs.


Drugs affect people from all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic classes. Drugs do not discriminate or stereotype.


Once a person is addicted to drugs, there is no hope for recovery.


Addiction is not a hopeless problem. Help is available, and treatment can work.


*Source: Operation Prevention, Discovery Education, Discovery Communications, LLC.

NARCAN® (Naloxone HCI)


NARCAN® (naloxone HCI) Nasal Spray is a prescription medication that safely and effectively reverses an opioid overdose. NARCAN® does NOT cause addictions, “enable” someone’s drug use or addiction, give the user a “high”, or have much potential to cause harm when administered properly, even if the person is not actually experiencing an opioid overdose. NARCAN® is not a substitute for emergency medical care. Always get help immediately, even if the person wakes up, because they may relapse into respiratory depression.


As of June 1, 2017, anyone can get NARCAN® at a Maryland pharmacy without a prescription. To learn more, click here. The Maryland Overdose Response Program (ORP) offers in-person, hands-on training and certification in recognizing and responding to an opioid overdose with naloxone. Most ORP trainings are free to attend and also provide naloxone to trainees at no charge. Visit the ORP website for more information.


Source: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Good Samaritan Law


The Maryland Good Samaritan Law, effective October 1, 2015, provides protection from arrest as well as prosecution for certain specific crimes and expands the charges from which people assisting in an emergency overdose situation are immune. If someone calls 911 in an effort to help during an overdose crisis, or they are experiencing an overdose, their parole and probation status will not be affected, and they will not be arrested, charged, or prosecuted for: possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, or providing alcohol to minors. For more information, see the Good Samaritan Law.


Source: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Good Samaritan Law

Getting Help for Addiction


Call 211

2-1-1 Maryland connects you to a health and human service resources in your community and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 180 languages. You can also reach them at 866.411.6803. For more information, visit 211md.org.


Call 911

Always call 9-1-1 if someone is in immediate danger, threatening to hurt themselves or someone else, or is unresponsive.


Find a Provider

  • Call the Frederick County Health Department’s Referral and Assessment Unit at 301.600.1775 to link individuals to the appropriate level of care.
  • Someone dealing with substance use will need a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist with a mental health and/or substance use focus.
  • Check with the Mental Health Association of Frederick by calling 301.662.2255, or visit fcmha.org.
  • Call their insurance company and ask for providers in the area that take their insurance.
  • If they prefer, help them find a fitting religious group or leader to help guide them.

Learn more about the signs and symptoms of substance use, and find community resources at fmh.org/substance.


Source: Frederick Regional Health System.



Stories of Addiction


Frederick Community College Resources


In an emergency – if you think you observe an overdose:

1. Call 911

2. Call Campus Safety & Security from any campus phone (4444)


FCC has staff and faculty members trained and certified in the administration of NARCAN® (naloxone HCI). NARCAN®  is used to temporarily counteract the life-threatening effects of opioid overdoses.


ATODA Brochure (Alcohol, Tobacco, Opioid, and Other Drug Use and Awareness)


Confidential Help

Speak with a licensed professional at Frederick Community College to be connected with helpful resources in the community. Office of Counseling & Wellness Services  Student Center H103 counselingandwellness@frederick.edu 


Community Resources


Frederick Regional Health System • 240.566.3300

Provides a comprehensive list of available treatment resources for addiction and recovery.


24-Hour Frederick County Hotline • 301.662.2255

Seek guidance of what you can do if you have concerns about a friend or family member who may be using drugs.


24-Hour Alcohol Hotline • 1.800.Alcohol


  • Get the poison out of the body
  • Stabilize from withdrawal
  • Acute, inpatient medical process in a hospital on a medical floor


  • Learn to live without the substances
  • Life skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Hygiene and self-care
  • 14-45 day residential program

Sober Living / Half-way House

  • Transition into an independent, substance-free life


See a full list of local Detox Facilities, Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab Facilities, and Sober Living / Half-way Houses at fmh/substance.


Source: Frederick Regional Health System



Online Resources


Alcoholics Anonymous • 301.662.0544

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Al-Anon • 301.663.6626

In Al-Anon, members share their personal experiences and stories, and invite other members to “take what they like and leave the rest”—that is, to determine for themselves what lesson they could apply to their own lives.

Narcotics Anonymous • 301.662.3263

NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using.

Cocaine Anonymous • 1.202.726.1717

Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances.