You lead. They will follow. Parents Lead is a cohort-based program that assists parents in pursuing a degree at Frederick Community College. Parents Lead provides a specialized curriculum and wraparound services for parents attending classes at FCC. Active students i...
What is a digital badge? It is a digital representation of a skill, learning achievement, competency, or experience. Each badge is an image that corresponds to essential information known as metadata. The metadata provides predetermined valuable information co...
Classes are being offered primarily online to maintain public safety. Learn More Connect with FCC Admission, Financial Aid, Registration College Resources Virtual Events and Activities Emergency Assistance Support Student Learning Guide Boo...
Looking for a Mentor? The Woman to Woman Mentoring Program can help you form a trusting relationship with a local professional woman to assist you in defining and achieving goals for your life and family. A mentor can help you: Develop a more positive self-image and a ...
Admissions Events View all Admissions Events Register for Admissions Events Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship Maryland Dream Act Online Learning Open House Student Learning Guide Prior Learni...
Jefferson Hall 1st floor - Enrollment Services (Admissions, Welcome Desk, Registration and Records) 2nd floor - Career and Academic Planning Services (Academic Advising, Transfer & Career Services) 3rd floor - Financial Services Center (Finance, Student Accounts/C...
FOCUS2Career is an online career exploration platform that assists with choosing a major, exploring occupations, and making informed career decisions. FCC students, alumni, and employees can access FOCUS2 using the instructions below. Why Use Focus2Career? Be p...
Frequently Asked Questions Why is it important to officially drop courses? What happens if I just stop attending? If you stop attending class and do not complete the procedure for dropping courses, you are still enrolled in the class, and you will still earn a ...
Residency & Tuition To be eligible for in-county or in-state tuition, you’ll sign a statement certifying that you’ve lived at your current address for at least the last three consecutive months. Individuals may be required to provide proof of residence. Adjustments t...
IT Services for Student STUDENT FAQs 1. What is my student network account? Your username is composed by W + your student ID (Example: W1234567). This information can be found on your student ID card or registration records. 2. What is my Password? ...
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