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Communication, Arts and Languages Dept Chair Kathy Brooks, Ph.D [email protected] 301.846.2635 Office: F-134 Academic Office Manager Amy Mabey [email protected] 301.846.2512 Office: F-101 Disciplines American S...
GIVE NOW FCC is Celebrating Community College Month Frederick Community College is proud to participate in the national recognition of Community College Month during April. The 16 Maryland community colleges have partnered together to highlight the impact...
FCC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students.  International students studying at FCC must be pursuing a full course of study towards an  Associate Degree  other than an Allied Health field, Nursing, Biotechnology, Emergency Management,  Culinary Arts...
Program Benefits As a PASS student, you will have access to the following all free of charge : A strong support network, which includes other incoming PASS students and alumni of the program A three-week summer academy with dedicated math and writing workshops led by F...
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-Institutional Portion   The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund-Institutional Portion funding is available so that institutions of higher education can serve students and help them continue to learn during this unprecedented ti...
Become our Partner:      Volunteer to be a mentor. Tell women about the opportunity to work with a mentor. Encourage your organization's officers and managers to notify employees, customers, clients and volunteers that mentoring is available to women in Frederick Co...
State of The Art Workforce Training Labs   The availability of customized workforce training labs is a unique and comprehensive service now available to local companies. Delivering lab and classroom space, equipment, and program oversight, these labs are located at our new...
Student Success Programs offer beneficial support services to any students who may be experiencing academic challenges, having difficulty adjusting to the college environment, or need extra support. Student Success Programs offer personalized success coaching, success worksh...
Back to Student Engagement Landing   Celebration of achievement is one of our core values. Areas of the college showcase academic achievement, honors, student leadership, and service at celebrations and ceremonies throughout the month of May. Annual ceremonies include:...
IT Services for Faculty and Staff   Email Procedures College email accounts serve as an official means of electronic communication. Use of College email accounts is limited to educational purposes and legitimate business of the College. Users must abide by all Colleg...
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