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Take select FCC courses in a specific career track at your FCPS high school or at FCC. Earn your high school diploma and an industry certification or credential simultaneously. Graduate with a high school diploma and an FCC associate degree simultaneously. Take select FCC cour...
Become our Partner:      Volunteer to be a mentor. Tell women about the opportunity to work with a mentor. Encourage your organization's officers and managers to notify employees, customers, clients and volunteers that mentoring is available to women in Frederick Co...
Weeks and Dates   COPY THE TABLE BELOW INTO A NEW ANNOUNCEMENT IN YOUR COURSE AS "WEEKS AND DATES Spring 2021"     Week 1 01/23/21 Week 6 02/27/21  Week 11 04/10/21 Week 2 01/30/21 Week 7 03/06/21 Week 12 04/17/21 Week 3 0...
Upcoming Events View All Financial Aid Events     Frederick Community College makes getting a college education affordable. Our Financial Services offices are here to help you navigate paying for school. Financial Aid can help you complete your FAFSA, and apply ...
IT Services for Faculty and Staff   Outlook EMAIL   College email accounts serve as an official means of electronic communication. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to check their College email account regularly. College employees are expected to use th...
  FCC support staff are available to assist and help you. Contact information is listed below. If you are struggling to figure out how to get the support you need, email [email protected] or call 301.624.2710.   Department Departmental Email Te...
Academic Assistance FCC provides the following services to assist our students in achieving academic success.  Whether you are struggling in a class or just want to improve your skills, these free resources are available. Come in and see how we can help you! STEM Learni...
hr.greenDark { margin: 15px 0px 15px 0px; text-align: left; } #quotes table { border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; } .left-side { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; width: 300px; } .right-side { vertical-ali...
  Registration Information             Welcome to FCC's "Campus Solutions" Student System.  This system allows you to complete most transactions on-line and to see real-time information about your academic and financial records and current availability of classes. To ...
Hold a Book or Video for Me Please provide the following information so that we can reserve a book or video for you . Faculty members - If you want to place items on reserve for your students in connection with a course, click on this link .  
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