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Brad Burtner Associate Professor, Accounting [email protected] 301.846.2545 Arlene Chun Assistant Professor, Business Studies [email protected] 301.846.2618 Marty Crabbs Associate Professor, Accounting & Business [email protected] 301.846.261...
Cynthia Baush, M.F.A. Assistant Professor, Art 240.629.7954 Kathy Brooks, Ph.D. Department Chair, Communication, Arts & Languages, Program Manager, Communication, Professor 301.846.2635 Todd Campbell, Ph.D. Program Manager, Audio Production, Assistant...
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF I, II, III), established and initially funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and followed by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), and t...
2024 Business Plan Contest (above) (L to R): Rita Dorsey (judge); Alexander Marc (3rd Place); Angelina Garcia (1st Place); Nana Yaw Gyamfi (judge); Amy Killian (judge); AJ Nwoga, M&T Bank; Katie Hanna (judge); Mia McGuffin (2nd Place); Paula Baldwin, M&T Bank; and Mel...
Technology Available The Digital Makerspace, located in the Gladhill Learning Commons, is available to provide FCC students, staff, and faculty access to computers, software, and other digital technologies that support their educational or personal creative goals and endea...
Self-Study Design The Self-Study Design is a roadmap which outlines the structure and processes that will guide the Self-Study. This document was created in Phase 1 of the overall Self-Study and is regularly updated.     .indent { margin-left: 20px; } Fred...
Community Referrals ASSISTANCE FOR BASIC NEEDS (Housing, Food, Clothing, Etc.)   Advocates for Homeless Families  216 Abrecht Place Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-2003   Advocates for Homeless Families empowers motivated one and two par...
Advising for Health Science Students   FCC offers degrees and certificates in high-demand healthcare fields like Nursing (Practical Nursing Certificate, Associate Degree in Nursing, and Transition-to-RN), Respiratory Care (AAS), Surgical Technology (AAS), and Medical Ass...
Programs & Resources   Explore programs and resources below designed for: Student parents Single parents Adults age 24+ who are low income, out-of-work, or homeless Welcome Adult Students and Student Parents!   Here at Frederick Community College (FCC), we see YO...
IT Services for Students   COMPUTER LABS There are six open computer labs for student use. Bess and Frank Gladhill Learning Commons The Gladhill Learning Commons, located on the second floor of Linganore Hall, has computers for student use. They are equipped wit...
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