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  What is a digital badge?   It is a digital representation of a skill, learning achievement, competency, or experience. Each badge is an image that corresponds to essential information known as metadata. The metadata provides predetermined valuable information co...
Articulation Agreements Honors-to Honors w/ Scholarship   Honor-to-Honors w/o Scholarship:   General Admission w/ Scholarship: Transfer Schools for Recent Honors College Graduates Cornell University, George Washingto...
Residency & Tuition   To be eligible for in-county or in-state tuition, you’ll sign a statement certifying that you’ve lived at your current address for at least the last three consecutive months. Individuals may be required to provide proof of residence. Adjustments t...
  .indent { margin-left: 20px; } Frederick Community College Mission Statement   Focused on teaching and learning, Frederick Community College provides affordable, flexible access to lifelong education that responds to the needs of diverse learners and the commu...
Blackboard Information STUDENT FAQ's Can successfully log into Blackboard but cannot see class? How do I contact my instructor? How do I send an email? I am connecting through AOL. Why is Blackboard not working? How do I access a class discussion? How do I ...
Good Samaritan Law   The Maryland Good Samaritan Law, effective October 1, 2015, provides protection from arrest as well as prosecution for certain specific crimes and expands the charges from which people assisting in an emergency overdose situation are immune. If someo...
Welcome Back!   Meet with an Advisor Schedule an advising appointment with your assigned advisor. Students are assigned to advisors by major   Re-Entry Process Following Academic Suspension   Complete the Academic Suspension Re-Entry Agreement form below. ...
IT Services for Faculty and Staff   SHARED DRIVES Saving documents on a local computer desktop or local hard drives may result in data loss should the computer be affected by a virus or hardware failure.  Saving data on a network drive is a data security best practic...
IT Services for Student   FCC ALERT FAQs Frequently Asked Questions   Q: How do I sign up for FCC Alert messages? A: If you are a student, faculty or staff member please click the " Signup " link and enter your information. Q: How do I Opt-Out (remove my...
1 Health Sciences 2 STEM 3 Business 4 General Studies 5 Arts and Humanities Frederick Community College (FCC) has grown from humble beginnings from its founding in 1957. There 77 students enrolled in the first classes held at FCC in the ...
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