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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test may be able to help match your personality type to a career. Used by businesses to determine employee preferences, it sorts people according to the following eight characteristics. This career personality test assesses your ...
Box Office Hours The box office opens two hours prior to each performance. Not all organizations who present events in the JBK Theater use our box office as a ticket outlet. Additional phone numbers for ticket information are listed under each event.   Ticket Retur...
Career Services Career Services helps students, prospective students, career changers, and alumni Explore skills, majors, and careers, prepare for employment through resume development, creating a job search strategy, and interview coaching, as well as, network ...
General Education Core   The general education CORE is designed to introduce undergraduates to the fundamental knowledge, skills and values which are essential to the study of academic disciplines, to the pursuit of life-long learning and to the development of educated m...
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Student Aid   The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) was established and initially funded through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to help institutions of higher education “preven...
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