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Community Resource Directory Assistance for Basic Needs (Housing, Food, Clothing, Etc.) Consumer Services Counseling Services     Outpatient Counseling     Hotlines     Inpatient Facilities Education, Training, Employment, and Volunteer Information Family Li...
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Jefferson Hall 1st floor -  Enrollment Services  (Admissions, Welcome Desk, Registration and Records) 2nd floor - Career and Academic Planning Services (Academic Advising, Transfer & Career Services) 3rd floor -  Financial Services Center (Finance, Student Accounts/C...
Programs & Resources   Explore programs and resources below designed for: Student parents Single parents Adults age 24+ who are low income, out-of-work, or homeless Welcome Adult Students and Student Parents!   Here at Frederick Community College (FCC), we see YO...
Human Resources   Welcome to the FCC Human Resources web site. Here you will find information about jobs, benefits, human resources and more. Frederick Community College is a great place to work. You'll find FCC to be challenging, alive, refreshing, diverse, rewarding...
You lead. They will follow.   Parents Lead is a cohort-based program that assists parents in pursuing a degree at Frederick Community College. Parents Lead provides a specialized curriculum and wraparound services for parents attending classes at FCC. Active students i...
High school students in this program explore career options and earn industry certifications or credentials by following a specific career track and taking courses either at their high school, on the FCC campus, or at the FCC Monroe Center. The goal of Career Pathways student...
Grade Point Average (GPA) What's your GPA?   Class Credits Letter Grade Total Credits: GPA:   Excel GPA...
Gladhill Learning Commons Services for Faculty   Instruction Services   Library Instruction Request Form Request interactive, customizable instructional presentations to help your students conduct research and learn to use Library resources. Tutoring & Writing Ce...
The Allied Health Academy provides training, personalized success coaching, and support from a dedicated Student Success Programs staff member and consideration for financial assistance to eligible students who want to become certified nursing assistants (CNA), geriatric nur...
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