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Take select FCC courses in a specific career track at your FCPS high school or at FCC. Earn your high school diploma and an industry certification or credential simultaneously. Graduate with a high school diploma and an FCC associate degree simultaneously. Take select FCC cour...
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"How to" Change your Email Click on the button to enter a new email address or click on  Button to remove an existing email address. Click on the  Buttonbutton when you have made corrections.  
Course Formats Frederick Community College is now offering courses in a variety of formats, including in-person, online, structured remote, and hybrid remote.   Learn More     Quick Links   IT Support Blackboard     Student Guide Faculty Guid...
Student Policies and Procedures Academic Assessment and Placement Policy and Procedure Academic Standards Policy and Procedure Admissions Policy & Procedure Alcohol, Tobacco, Opioids, and Other Drug Use Policy and Procedure Code of Student Conduct  Code of Con...
Honor Your Mentor Mentors make a difference in our lives in large and small ways. They are influential, instrumental and essential! The following people have chosen to Honor their Mentors for assisting them on life's pathway through a donation to the Woman to Woman Mento...
Jefferson Hall 1st floor -  Enrollment Services  (Admissions, Welcome Desk) 2nd floor - College and Career Readiness Center (Counseling & Advising, Transfer & Career Services, Registration and Records) 3rd floor -  Financial Services Center (Finance, Student Accounts...
Full-time Faculty Members   Teresa Calzonetti Assistant Professor 301.846.2557 Natasha Cleveland Associate Professor 301.846.2563 Rita Egekenze Full Time Faculty Intern 240.629.7949 Debra Ellis Associate Professor 301.846.2555 Bob Ford, P...
Foundation Scholarships Have you enrolled at FCC and could use some help paying for classes?   1. Contact the FCC Financial Aid Office to see if you are eligible for State or Federal Financial Aid.   2. If you still need assistance, contact Student Accounts to le...
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