Transfer Services Transfer Services

Transfer Services

Transfer Services at FCC assists students who are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. We have a variety of resources and tools to help you through the process.

Are you transferring into FCC? View information for Incoming Transfer Students.



Transfer Process


Deciding to transfer can be an exciting yet confusing experience. It is a process, and these are the steps you’ll work through on your way:

  1. Exploring. We’re here to help you research your transfer options, making sure you have all the resources you need to make the best decisions.
  2. Decision making. We’ll help you develop a plan in order to reach your goals. 
  3. Preparing. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to implement your plan.
  4. Moving on. We’ll work with you to map out your next steps to continue moving towards your goal.


Upcoming Transfer Events

View All Transfer Events





Transfer Advising


Transfer advising is available to assist students in planning and preparing to continue their education beyond FCC.


Schedule Appointment


Start Here

Searching for a College

Transferring Credits

Transfer Articulation Agreements

Financial Aid/Scholarships

Transfer Open Houses

FCC’s Transfer Services can assist your student with the process of transferring to a four-year college or university.


Transfer Open Houses

Information for Transferring Credits

One-on-One Advising
On-Site Recruitment

FCC invites area four-year college transfer admissions representatives to come to our campus to conduct on-site recruiting. Our recruiting space is located in the Student Center (H Building). If you are interested in participating, please email the transfer center to check availability and to schedule a visit.

One-on-One Advising

Each semester, FCC hosts visiting transfer advisors from several local four-year colleges for one-on-one appointments with FCC students to assist them in their transfer planning and preparation for admission to these specific schools. 
If you are interested in more information about these unique opportunities for our students, please email the transfer center at [email protected]