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View page in English ¡Bienvenidos al programa Bilingüe de Primer Año de FCC! Este programa te permitirá comenzar un programa universitario mientras completas tus clases de inglés en FCC. El programa bilingüe de Primer Año de FCC ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de to...
The Admissions Office is here to answer any questions about the enrollment process, testing, programs of study, college costs and connecting you to other available services that can assist you at FCC. Each fall and spring our staff visits juniors and seniors in local publ...
JOIN US in giving to the FCC Annual Fund.     With your support, the Frederick Community College (FCC) Foundation strengthens our College and our community by ensuring that students have the resources they need to succeed. Your gift to the FCC Annual Fund wil...
Students who are parents face a unique set of challenges when returning to school. We recognize their resilience and determination as they navigate the demands of pursuing their education while raising a family. Read more to learn about some of our incredible student parents.
High school students in this program explore career options and earn industry certifications or credentials by following a specific career track and taking courses either at their high school, on the FCC campus, or at the FCC Monroe Center. The goal of Career Pathways student...
Forms can be found below and submitted electronically, paper submissions may be mailed: Registration and Records Frederick Community College 7932 Opossumtown Pike Frederick, MD  21702 Please direct any questions to  [email protected]   Academic & A...
.intro { height: 500px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .intro { height: 400px; } } video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } FCC learning centers staff assist, encourage, and empower students to develop the academic skills and confidence to ...
Explore Our Degrees & Programs   Frederick Community College (FCC) has many options for students to receive a quality, affordable, and accessible education. FCC offers more than 100 programs to meet the needs of our diverse student body.   Academic Credit Programs C...
Contact Us Judy DeLuca Personal Enrichment Program Manager 301.624.2820   Troy Moore Program Coordinator 301.846.2423   Basic Rider Course (BRC) This 17-hour course is designed for the true beginner rider who has little or no riding experi...
Looking for a Mentor? The Woman to Woman Mentoring Program can help you form a trusting relationship with a local professional woman to assist you in defining and achieving goals for your life and family. A mentor can help you: Develop a more positive self-image and a ...
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