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.intro { height: 500px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .intro { height: 400px; } } video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } FCC learning centers staff assist, encourage, and empower students to develop the academic skills and confidence to ...
First-generation students are the first in their family to attend college. We celebrate our students, faculty, and staff who are first-generation students, and recognize the magnitude of their accomplishments.
Frederick Community College makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities for College-sponsored events and programs. If you have accommodation needs or questions, please call 301-846-2408. To request a sign language interpreter or if you have questions relat...
You lead. They will follow.   Parents Lead is a cohort-based program that assists parents in pursuing a degree at Frederick Community College. Parents Lead provides a specialized curriculum and wraparound services for parents attending classes at FCC. Active students i...
The Respiratory Care program prepares students for general careers within the field and qualifies them to take the National Board for Respiratory Cares' entry level exams (CRT and RRT). Respiratory Therapists care for patients who have trouble breathing—for example, from ...
Articulation Agreements Honors-to Honors w/ Scholarship   Honor-to-Honors w/o Scholarship:   General Admission w/ Scholarship: Transfer Schools for Recent Honors College Graduates Cornell University, George Washingto...
High school students in this program explore career options and earn industry certifications or credentials by following a specific career track and taking courses either at their high school, on the FCC campus, or at the FCC Monroe Center. The goal of Career Pathways student...
#AcademicDepartments table { overflow-x: auto; width: 100%; margin: auto; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; cellpadding: 10px; cellspacing: 10px; } #AcademicDepartments table th { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; font-family: "Helvetica"; text-align: ...
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