Allied Health Academy The Allied Health Academy provides training, educational support, and consideration for financial assistance to eligible students who want to become certified nursing assistants (CNA), geriatric nursing assistants (GNA), or other select allied hea...
Careers & Business Whether you manage people or projects, run a small department or operate a business, now is the best time to enroll in business courses at Frederick Community College. Our wide range of online and on campus programs are designed to help you enhance y...
Construction and Building Trades Highly-qualified employees are in demand. Now is the best time to complete professional training at Frederick Community College. Gain expert knowledge, high-tech skills and hands-on experience at The Monroe Center, Maryland’s largest sta...
Certification, Licensure & Vocational Training Qualified applicants are in-demand throughout a variety of industries in today’s workplace. To meet this demand, Frederick Community College is proud to offer expert training to individuals seeking certification, licensure and...
Grants and scholarships are kinds of financial aid that you don’t have to pay back. The terms “scholarship” and “grant” are often used interchangeably, but there are usually differences between these two forms of aid. Most scholarships are merit based. This means that they...
First-generation students are the first in their family to attend college. We celebrate our students, faculty, and staff who are first-generation students, and recognize the magnitude of their accomplishments.
Frederick Community College Policy and Procedures Frederick Community College (FCC) is in the process of doing a complete review of all College Policies and Procedures. This project is well under way and has proven to be worthwhile and much needed. Under the direct leader...
College Procedures College Policies 1.00 BOARD OF TRUSTEES - BYLAWS POLICIES 1.20 Board of Trustees Public Information Act 2.00 POLICY OVERVIEW POLICIES 2.10 Forward and Preamble 2.11 Policies - Creation 2.12 Office of the President ...
Personal Enrichment Contact Judy DeLuca Personal Enrichment Program Manager (301) 624-2820 Troy Moore Motorcycle Program Alternate Basic Rider Course (ABRC) This class is intended for a rider who has street experience seeking a c...
Trades & Vocational Frequently Asked Questions Programs of study include Electrical, Welding and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), with each one providing students with professional knowledge, high-tech skills and hands-on experience from industry experts ...
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