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  What is an Apprenticeship?     An apprenticeship is an earn and learn model that is industry driven and aligned with high quality career fields. Apprenticeships allow employers to develop and prepare their future workforce through paid work experiences combined with cl...
Email Advising   Email advising is checked daily during operational hours, and the Career & Academic Planning Services staff will respond as quickly as possible. Typical response time is 24-48 hours. During peak registration periods in January and August, there may be a del...
Articulation Agreements Honors-to Honors w/ Scholarship   Honor-to-Honors w/o Scholarship:   General Admission w/ Scholarship: Transfer Schools for Recent Honors College Graduates Cornell University, George Washingto...
There are many different requirements to receive and maintain financial aid eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA) and most types of state financial aid. Please use the information below as a guide, but remember, the staff in the Financial Aid Office are available to answ...
Take select FCC courses in a specific career track at your FCPS high school or at FCC. Earn your high school diploma and an industry certification or credential simultaneously. Graduate with a high school diploma and an FCC associate degree simultaneously. Take select FCC cour...
 Translate This Page   Tuition Information for Students who are Undocumented   As an open-admission institution, Frederick Community College grants admission to all students regardless of immigration status. The Maryland Dream Act provides the opportunity for ...
On-Site Recruitment   FCC invites area four-year college transfer admissions representatives to come to our campus to conduct on-site recruiting. Our recruiting space is located in the Student Center (H Building). If you are interested in participating, please email t...
Student Success Programs offer beneficial support services to any students who may be experiencing academic challenges, having difficulty adjusting to the college environment, or need extra support. Student Success Programs offer personalized success coaching, success worksh...
Want to get ahead on your degree or catch up on courses while on break from your four-year college or university? It’s easy to take classes at FCC to transfer back to your home school. With relevant courses, flexible schedules, affordable costs, and transferable credits, taki...
1 Health Sciences 2 STEM 3 Business 4 General Studies 5 Arts and Humanities Frederick Community College (FCC) has grown from humble beginnings from its founding in 1957. There 77 students enrolled in the first classes held at FCC in the ...
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