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The FCC Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (GSP) assists faculty and staff scholars with the search for funding opportunities, developing proposals, and managing the resulting awards from federal, state, and other federal-like sponsors.    The President authorizes o...
Programs & Resources   Explore programs and resources below designed for: Student parents Single parents Adults age 24+ who are low income, out-of-work, or homeless Welcome Adult Students and Student Parents!   Here at Frederick Community College (FCC), we see YO...
Residency & Tuition To be eligible for in-county or in-state tuition, you’ll sign a statement certifying that you’ve lived at your current address for at least the last three consecutive months. Individuals may be required to provide proof of residence. Adjustments to tuit...
Take select FCC courses in a specific career track at your FCPS high school or at FCC. Earn your high school diploma and an industry certification or credential simultaneously. Graduate with a high school diploma and an FCC associate degree simultaneously. Take select FCC cour...
Essential Functions for Nursing   TECHNICAL STANDARDS   The technical and professional standards for nursing are the non-academic skills including the physical, cognitive, and behavioral standards required for satisfactory completion of the nursing program. These...
Scholarships are gifts that do not need to be repaid. There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations.     FCC Foundation Scholarships The ...
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