At FCC we know your time in the classroom is only one part of your college experience. Student Leadership & Engagement offers exciting opportunities to interact with other students, cultivate your leadership skills, and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of aca...
2024 Business Plan Contest (above) (L to R): Rita Dorsey (judge); Alexander Marc (3rd Place); Angelina Garcia (1st Place); Nana Yaw Gyamfi (judge); Amy Killian (judge); AJ Nwoga, M&T Bank; Katie Hanna (judge); Mia McGuffin (2nd Place); Paula Baldwin, M&T Bank; and Me...
What is a digital badge? It is a digital representation of a skill, learning achievement, competency, or experience. Each badge is an image that corresponds to essential information known as metadata. The metadata provides predetermined valuable information co...
Employee Development Organizational Statement on Employee Development Frederick Community College values comprehensive employee development opportunities at all organization levels inside and outside of the college. Within FCC, the Human Resources Offices provides e...
Student Right to Know Additional Information What is a copyright and what College policies address violations of copyright laws? Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects an owner’s right to control the reproduction, distribution, performance, display an...
FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE FY2018 Requests for Bid (RFB) Solicitation Number Solicitation Title Awards Amount 19-FP-03 Access Control HW Parts HP Secure $407,070.00 19-FP-04 Door HW & Hollow Metal Door & Frame Replacement (D&F) A & S...
Employee Development Organizational Statement on Employee Development Frederick Community College values comprehensive employee development opportunities at all organization levels inside and outside of the college. Within FCC, the Human Resources Offices provides e...
Continuing Education & Workforce Development at Frederick Community College encompasses a vibrant selection of programs, from career training and workforce development to information technology, Institute of Learning in Retirement (ILR), youth programs and personal enrichment...
Digital Diplomas & Certificates A Certified Electronic Credential Overview Frederick Community College now offers digital diplomas and certificates! These are certified electronic credentials known as a CeDiploma or CeCertificate (CeDiploma/CeCertificate)! ...
Requests for public information, filed in accordance with the Maryland Public Information Act , should be sent through mail or email to: Kari Melvin Executive Associate to the President and Board of Trustees 301.846.2442 Frederick Community College 7932 Opossumt...
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