Technology Available

The Digital Makerspace, located in the Gladhill Learning Commons, is available to provide FCC students, staff, and faculty access to computers, software, and other digital technologies that support their educational or personal creative goals and endeavors.

Contact us at to find out what equipment and software is available.

To be eligible to reserve the Gladhill Learning Commons Digital Makerspace a patron must:

  • Be a current FCC student, faculty member, or staff member.

To reserve the Gladhill Learning Commons Digital Makerspace:

  • The Digital Makerspace in the Gladhill Learning Commons may be reserved for up to two hours. Please make your reservation by calling the Welcome Desk at 301-846-2444.

  • The Digital Makerspace is open during normal Gladhill Learning Commons hours but closes 30 minutes prior to the Gladhill Learning Commons closing.

  • Patrons are required to check in at the Gladhill Learning Commons welcome desk and present an FCC College ID to receive a key to the Digital Makerspace. No other ID will be accepted.


General Policies:

  • No food or drinks of any kind are permitted.
  • The individual who checks out the key will be considered the main user and is responsible for any damage or misuse of Digital Makerspace equipment or the key, even if a group is working on a project together.
  • Users must not leave equipment unattended while it is checked out to them.
  • If the patron requires additional time past their originally reserved time and there is space available, the user may receive additional time in 30-minute increments.
  • If you are having trouble with the equipment, please contact staff at the Gladhill Learning Commons welcome desk, but be aware that they may not be able to fix your problem immediately.
  • Gladhill Learning Commons staff can assist patrons in basic use and troubleshooting of Digital Makerspace resources to the extent that other duties and patron demands will allow. Specialized training, customization, and support is not guaranteed.
  • For privacy purposes, it is the responsibility of the Gladhill Learning Commons patrons to delete and/or remove any of their files (digital or print) from Gladhill Learning Commons equipment in the Digital Makerspace.
  • Users must provide their own external storage devices and/or media. All images, videos, recordings and projects will be removed from the Digital Makerspace terminals after use.
  • The Gladhill Learning Commons is not responsible for equipment or files (digital or print) left behind.
  • The Gladhill Learning Commons is not responsible for damage to a user’s disk or computer, nor for the loss of data or information, nor for liability that occurs from the use of the Gladhill Learning Commons internet connection, Gladhill Learning Commons software, or hardware.
  • Be respectful to the next person coming to use the Digital Makerspace. Save your work in a timely manner. Please note that larger files take longer to save.
  • Any work saved on the Digital Makerspace computer will be deleted once you are logged off and cannot be recovered.

Digital Makerspace Users agree to:

  • Be courteous to other Gladhill Learning Commons patrons and other Digital Makerspace users.
  • Comply with all rules, procedures, and restrictions developed by the College in the Information Resources Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Accept responsibility for the security of the information they give on the web, such as personal information and credit card numbers.
  • Respect copyright laws and licensing agreements.

Digital Makerspace Users agree not to:

  • Use the Digital Makerspace’s computers for illegal activities, advertising, lobbying, or commercial purposes.
  • Modify any hardware or software on the Digital Makerspace computers without express written permission from the Gladhill Learning Commons Director.

Fines and Fees for Equipment and Keys:

  • The key is due back to the main circulation desk at the end of the period the patron has reserved the Digital Makerspace.
  • Patrons will be subject to a $1 fee for each hour past the key’s return time.
  • Patrons who lost the key or had the key stolen will be subject to a charge that includes the price of replacing the key they were issued. 


Damaged Items:

If any item in the Digital Makerspace is found to be in a permanently unusable or damaged condition after the patron has finished using the Digital Makerspace, the patron will be subject to a charge that includes the price of replacing the item.

Missing or Stolen Equipment:

If any item in the Digital Makerspace goes missing or is stolen during the period when a patron is using the Digital Makerspace, the patron will be subject to a charge that includes the price of replacing the item.

User Agreement:

First-time users must read the Digital Makerspace Policies and Procedures and sign the agreement form stating that they will comply with the rules and they are financially responsible for any misuse or damage to Digital Makerspace equipment or keys.

Violation of the rules, responsibilities, and agreements set forth in these policies, may result in disciplinary action. At the discretion of the Gladhill Learning Commons staff, loss of Gladhill Learning Commons privileges for violation of these policies may occur. Severe violations of College-wide policies may result in disciplinary actions from the College or legal action as defined by those policies.


Gladhill Learning Commons Hours

​Hours and Special Closings can be found at:

About the Gladhill Learning Commons

2nd Floor of Linganore Hall, 301.846.2444

The Gladhill Learning Commons is a welcoming, flexible research and learning environment that provides convenient access to academic support services, study spaces, and technology in order to promote collaboration and inspire academic excellence.

Gladhill Learning Commons Policies

Gladhill Learning Commons Staff

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