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Orientation is required. Interested students must attend an orientation prior to enrolling in any Adult Education courses. Orientations are free of charge; there is no need to schedule an appointment and pre-registration is not necessary. Registration is a two-part process...
  .indent { margin-left: 20px; } Frederick Community College Mission Statement   Focused on teaching and learning, Frederick Community College provides affordable, flexible access to lifelong education that responds to the needs of diverse learners and the commu...
1 Health Sciences 2 STEM 3 Business 4 General Studies 5 Arts and Humanities Frederick Community College (FCC) has grown from humble beginnings from its founding in 1957. There 77 students enrolled in the first classes held at FCC in the ...
Academic Planning   Creating an academic plan is one of the most important tasks for college students. A good plan will help you to be more successful each semester and to graduate on time. Here are some tools to help you create a great academic plan:   Choosing a ...
When you’re not in class, there are numerous spaces available on campus for studying, hanging out, holding group meetings or study sessions, and more. It’s easy to find a comfortable place to pass the time, work on an assignment, or catch up with friends.   Back to Studen...
hr.greenDark { margin: 15px 0px 15px 0px; text-align: left; } #quotes table { border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; } .left-side { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; width: 300px; } .right-side { vertical-ali...
Monroe Center FCC’s Monroe Center contains labs, classroom space and equipment for vocational training in the building trades, healthcare careers and culinary arts. Originally developed with a focus on construction trades, the facility was recognized as the largest colleg...
Faculty FAQs   How do I apply for a job at FCC? Frederick Community College accepts all applications through a web-based application process. To view available job opportunities  click here   Whom should I contact in Human Resources regarding my applic...
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy   The information contained in this website is for general information purposes. Although the college strives to keep information on the website up-to-date and correct, we cannot guarantee that it will be so. As a result, the college makes ...
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