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We value our relationships with local businesses and organizations. Working together enables us to grow and support each other while strengthening our community.   Purchasing FCC Bid Board Financial Statements Catering Give To FCC R...
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  What is an Apprenticeship?     An apprenticeship is an earn and learn model that is industry driven and aligned with high quality career fields. Apprenticeships allow employers to develop and prepare their future workforce through paid work experiences combined with cl...
IT Services for Student   CONTINUING EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Continuing Education & Workforce Development (CEWD) students are required to create a student profile account. In order to accurately maintain your student information, please create and use only ...
Improving Health and Performance The Frederick Community College Strength and Conditioning Lab (SCL) is housed in the Athletics Building and is the primary academic space to support teaching, learning, and hands-on experience in the Health and Exercise Sciences Program.  Thi...
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