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Students at Frederick Community College have the right to a learning and working environment that is free from sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment, and that respects and protects the dignity and value of every member of the College community. Title IX Sex-B...
Blackboard Information FACULTY FAQ's 1. The semester is about to begin, what do I do? 2. How do I send an email? 3. How do I update the course menu? 4. How do I enable communications and email? 5. How do I post an announcement? 6. How do I post informa...
Become our Partner:      Volunteer to be a mentor. Tell women about the opportunity to work with a mentor. Encourage your organization's officers and managers to notify employees, customers, clients and volunteers that mentoring is available to women in Frederick Co...
Vote for our boat and help support FCC student scholarships! Every year, Carroll Creek is filled with uniquely designed sailboats as part of Sailing Through the Winter Solstice. This is a fundraiser where visitors can vote on their favorite boat by making a donation ($1 = 1...
.intro { height: 500px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .intro { height: 400px; } } video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } FCC learning centers staff assist, encourage, and empower students to develop the academic skills and confidence to ...
General Guidance: Faculty Course Checklist:  All faculty should complete the Faculty Course Checklist found in left side navigation bar in Blackboard for each course. Changing Course Formats :  As a reminder, students sign up for specific course formats because tha...
Tuition Information for Undocumented Students For Eligible Maryland High School Graduates   As an open-admission institution, FCC grants admission to all students regardless of immigration status. Maryland legislation provides the opportunity for some non-U.S. citizen...
Our Mission About the Woman to Woman Mentoring Program Achieving success throughout life often depends on the choices made in early adulthood. The range of decisions made during this pivotal time can sometimes be confusing or even scary. Education tracts? Career tracts? ...
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