Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program

The Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program supports eligible FCC students by providing increased access to affordable child care services. Student-parents who are accepted into the program will receive a voucher to help cover the cost of child care services provided. The CCAMPIS program is funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.


Participating Providers for CCAMPIS Participants

Provider Address Hours Ages Served Contact Information Director/Contact
Childrens Center of Walkersville 35 E. Frederick Street
Walkersville, 21793
7:00 am - 5:30 pm 2 yrs -school age 301.898.5143 [email protected] Kim Keplinger
Kindercare 1420 Taney Avenue
Frederick, 21702
6:30 am - 6:30 pm 6wk-school age 301.694.7544 [email protected] Diane Thomas
The Learning Bee 8311 River Run Road
Frederick, 21701
6:30 am- - 6:30 pm 6wk-school age 301.695.1133 [email protected] Rebekah McCarty
YMCA Early Learning Center 100 N. Market Street
Frederick, 21701
6:30 am - 6:30 pm 6wk-5 yrs. 301.663.5131 [email protected] Diana Lewis


CCAMPIS Program Requirements

Qualified applicants must:
  • Be pell-eligible
  • Be enrolled in at least six credits of coursework toward a degree or certificate at FCC.
  • Have a GPA of 2.0 or greater (if a current student)


Application Deadlines
For students new to the CCAMPIS program, application deadlines will be:
  • July 15 for the Fall Semester
  • December 1 for the Spring Semester
  • April 15 for the Summer Semester


Following acceptance into the program, students will need to:
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.0
  • Meet with the Adult and Parent Education and Outreach Coordinator
  • Notify the Adult and Parent Education and Outreach Coordinator if there are changes in enrollment at FCC
  • Complete surveys about the program
  • Complete the student agreement


Student Support Services

FCC has several resources that provide assistance to student parents. The Student Success Programs office offers beneficial services for student parents including success workshops, information about special services for single parents, single pregnant women and displaced homemakers, along with referrals to College and community resources and other activities geared toward student success and retention.


Campus Resources

In addition to financial assistance, the College provides various resources to help students meet their educational goals. Through Career & Academic Planning Services, the new student orientation provides students with a general overview of all College services and resources available to assist them during their course of study.


Financial Assistance  


Additional Information

Student Success Programs
Annapolis Hall, A-103
[email protected]




Jennifer Leonard
Adult and Parent Education and Outreach Coordinator
Parents Lead, Project Forward Step and CCAMPIS programs
Annapolis Hall, A-105A
[email protected]
[email protected]


Make Appointment


College Success for Single Mothers

FCC is proud to be part of the College Success for Single Mothers Project. We collected data on our single mothers’ and student parents’ lived experiences and implemented action plans to expand services that foster student success.


College Success for Single Mothers Project Cover
Read the report.