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Grants and scholarships are kinds of financial aid that you don’t have to pay back. The terms “scholarship” and “grant” are often used interchangeably, but there are usually differences between these two forms of aid. Most scholarships are merit based. This means that they...
Application for Admission Department of Department of Health Sciences Respiratory Care * are required fields Frederick Community College prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, creed, ethnicity, gender i...
h1 { color: #008c3a; } Training and Certifications     (1) Blackboard Basics:   Blackboard Basics identifies a skill set of 21 items that are essential to adding web-enhanced components to your companion website or to teaching online successfully . Master...
Books/Articles       Build Your Skills to Have Difficult Discussions About Race and Racism Strengthen your capacity to engage when there is tension and conflict: Talking About Race Talking about Race (and other identity topics) within y...
The Respiratory Care program prepares students for general careers within the field and qualifies them to take the National Board for Respiratory Cares' entry level exams (CRT and RRT). Respiratory Therapists care for patients who have trouble breathing—for example, from ...
View page in English ¡Bienvenidos al programa Bilingüe de Primer Año de FCC! Este programa te permitirá comenzar un programa universitario mientras completas tus clases de inglés en FCC. El programa bilingüe de Primer Año de FCC ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de to...
FCC 2020 Mission With teaching and learning as our primary focus, FCC prepares an increasingly diverse student body to complete their goals of workforce preparation, transfer, career development and personal enrichment with quality, innovative lifelong learning. In traditio...
Upcoming Events View All Financial Aid Events     Frederick Community College makes getting a college education affordable. Our Financial Services offices are here to help you navigate paying for school. Financial Aid can help you complete your FAFSA, and apply ...
Career Services helps students, prospective students, career changers, and alumni:   Explore skills, majors, and careers. Prepare for employment through resume development, creating a job search strategy, and interview coaching. Network with employers an...
Project Forward Step Project Forward Step is a counseling, information, and referral program designed to meet the needs of returning adult students, with special services for single parents (including single pregnant women) and non-traditional age adults (age 24 and ...
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