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IT Services for Student STUDENT FAQs 1. What is my student network account?  ​ Your username is composed by W + your student ID (Example: W1234567). This information can be found on your student ID card or registration records. 2. What is my Password?    ...
FCC Tuition and Fees: Nursing Program Fees and Expenses: Learn about Scholarships for FCC S...
The Construction and Applied Technologies Institute (CATI) provides workforce training opportunities for in-demand industry skills that can lead to rewarding careers in Computer Aided Design, Construction Management, Electrical, HVAC, and Welding. Program tracks include both c...
The Admissions Office is here to answer any questions about the enrollment process, testing, programs of study, college costs and connecting you to other available services that can assist you at FCC. Each fall and spring our staff visits juniors and seniors in local publ...
Email Advising   Email advising is checked daily during operational hours, and the Career & Academic Planning Services staff will respond as quickly as possible. Typical response time is 24-48 hours. During peak registration periods in January and August, there may be a del...
Access Navigate 360 Student Download Navigate 360 Student from your mobile phone’s app store or access Navigate 360 Online from a web browser. Use your FCC student ID email (example: [email protected]) and password to login. Note : Navigate 360 is only avail...
The academic calendar includes the start and end dates of course sessions, payment & refund dates, holidays, and registration dates. See details for each semester below.   Important Dates   Spring 2025 Priority Registration for Parenting Students and Veterans&...
Final Draft of the Self-Study ​ The final Draft of the Self-Study was the work product of many hands from the College, and we thank everyone who contributed.   Self-Study Design The Self-Study Design is a roadmap which outlines the structure and processes that wi...
Box Office Hours The box office opens two hours prior to each performance. Not all organizations who present events in the JBK Theater use our box office as a ticket outlet. Additional phone numbers for ticket information are listed under each event.   Ticket Retur...
Honor Your Mentor Mentors make a difference in our lives in large and small ways. They are influential, instrumental and essential! The following people have chosen to Honor their Mentors for assisting them on life's pathway through a donation to the Woman to Woman Mento...
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