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Math Department Links to some helpful Calculator Sites   Interactive Calculator Help A link to Texas Instrument web site Martindale Reference Desk This site contains over 1000 types of Calculators Rent Calculators Rent a TI-83 or TI-84 GRAPHING ...
America's Promise Tech Connect A Grant-Funded, Employer-Aligned, Jobs-Focused IT Educational Opportunity *The fall class is currently full and applications are no longer available.   What is America's Promise Tech Connect? America's Promise Tech Connect is ...
Math Department For further information, please contact Kylena Cross or phone 240/629-7835 . Math Course Listing MATH 50 Preparation for College Mathematics MATH 67 Educator Preparation in Mathematics MATH 101 Foundations of Mathematics MATH 101A Foundation...
School Observation Form (ED)
School Observation Form (ECD)
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!   Students who have satisfied their degree or certificate requirements must complete a  Graduation Application  to receive their credential. The deadline to apply for May 2024 graduation is April 1, 2024. Students who successfully a...
GIVE NOW FCC is Celebrating Community College Month Frederick Community College is proud to participate in the national recognition of Community College Month during April. The 16 Maryland community colleges have partnered together to highlight the impact...
This program is the right choice for you if.... Basic ESL Targeted ESL Academic ESL You speak little or no English or you’ve had very little training in English. ✓     You are a newcomer to the United States and you need to learn how to live here. ...
#AcademicDepartments table { overflow-x: auto; width: 100%; margin: auto; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; cellpadding: 10px; cellspacing: 10px; } #AcademicDepartments table th { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; font-family: "Helvetica"; text-align: ...
Academic Planning   Creating an academic plan is one of the most important tasks for college students. A good plan will help you to be more successful each semester and to graduate on time. Here are some tools to help you create a great academic plan:   Choosing a ...
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