Frederick Community College offers over one hundred credit courses online each semester. Our online courses give students a convenient, flexible learning experience with the same quality instruction we offer on campus. FCC works with Quality Matters — a nationally recognized ...
School Observation Form (ED)
School Observation Form (ECD)
IT Services for Student STUDENT FAQs 1. What is my student network account? Your username is composed by W + your student ID (Example: W1234567). This information can be found on your student ID card or registration records. 2. What is my Password? ...
According to the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions, “accreditation is a process of external review used by the higher education community to assure quality and spur ongoing improvement. Accrediting commissions are private, nonprofit organizations whose members are ...
Cost of Attendance Cost of Attendance 2024-2025 What makes up the cost of attendance? The cost of attending college is more than just direct costs of tuition and fees. It includes indirect costs such as books and supplies, housing and food, childcare, transportatio...
Frederick Community College Website Disclaimer & Privacy Notice Disclaimer Disclaimer Statement The information provided on this website and other sites and apps owned by Frederick Community College (FCC) is intended for general informational purpos...
Essential Functions for Nursing TECHNICAL STANDARDS The technical and professional standards for nursing are the non-academic skills including the physical, cognitive, and behavioral standards required for satisfactory completion of the nursing program. These...
About 200 Monroe Restaurant At Frederick Community College, 200 Monroe Restaurant delivers a capstone learning experience for Hospitality, Culinary and Tourism Institute (HCTI) students.Under the guidance of our Culinary and Hospitality instructors, st...
The FCC Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (GSP) assists faculty and staff scholars with the search for funding opportunities, developing proposals, and managing the resulting awards from federal, state, and other federal-like sponsors. The President authorizes o...
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