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Lab Protocol Software The computer lab software/versions will be posted on the I: Drive where AOMs, Chairs, and faculty can reference them.  These software “builds” for each lab can be used to make decisions on the upgrades and new software for the next academic year.  All...
3 Things to Know: 1. FCC is open. 2. Face masks required in all indoor spaces. 3. Vaccines are encouraged.
h1 { color: #008c3a; } Training and Certifications     (1) Blackboard Basics:   Blackboard Basics identifies a skill set of 21 items that are essential to adding web-enhanced components to your companion website or to teaching online successfully . Master...
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion MISSION The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) at Frederick Community College has primary responsibility for providing College-wide leadership on best practices as well as effective and ethical strategies to build and su...
Mission The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) at Frederick Community College has primary responsibility for providing College-wide leadership on best practices as well as effective and ethical strategies to build and sustain an inclusive and excellent College...
Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management In the face of an emergency, community resilience relies heavily on planning, preparation, and knowledge. The Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management (MACEM) at FCC provides essential knowledge for professionals to prepare ...
FCC 2020 Mission With teaching and learning as our primary focus, FCC prepares an increasingly diverse student body to complete their goals of workforce preparation, transfer, career development and personal enrichment with quality, innovative lifelong learning. In traditio...
 Translate This Page     FCC Course Related Definitions The following definitions are intended to clarify course related terms at Frederick Community College. For further information please see the Academic Standards Policy .     Term Definition ...
This program is the right choice for you if.... Basic ESL Targeted ESL Academic ESL You speak little or no English or you’ve had very little training in English. ✓     You are a newcomer to the United States and you need to learn how to live here. ...
Guía del estudiante       Los cursos y los servicios del campus ahora se ofrecen cara a cara, con cursos y recursos en línea disponibles según sea necesario.   MyFCC Email Blackboard FCC Office 365 Navigate   Frederick Comm...
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